SONATA examples

Different examples are provided for different usecases.

These examples do not aim to be scientifically correct: for instance, cells are oriented and placed randomly in space and values are usually generated from randomly from uniform distribution.

These examples can be used in the documentation repository and in /gpfs/ .

Usecase 1

1 population of biophysical neurons with chemical synapses between neurons of that population. See usecase 1

Usecase 2

1 population of biophysical neurons with chemical synapses between neurons of that population and 1 virtual node population projecting into the biophysical neurons.See usecase 2

Usecase 3

2 populations of biophysical neurons in 2 separate files with chemical synapses between neurons of their population and the other population. See usecase 3

Usecase 4

2 populations of biophysical neurons with chemical synapses between neurons of their population and the other population and 2 virtual node populations projecting each in 1 different population. See usecase 4

Usecase 5

1 population of neurons, 1 population of glial, 1 population of vasculature with:

  • chemical synapses between neurons

  • electrical synapses between glial cells

  • astrocyte to synapse from glial to neurons

  • end foot from vasculature to glial

See usecase 5