MVD version 2


This file format is deprecated and has been superseded by the SONATA Node File.

The circuit.mvd2 file contains metadata regarding the cells in the network and minicolumn metadata

File Format

Anything starting with # is a comment The first 2 lines after the comments at the begining of the mvd2 file are reserved for TBD.

No counts are given. Parsing is done by reading rows after a given section label until a different section label is encountered. Section labels: ‘Neurons Loaded’, ‘MicroBox Data’, ‘MiniColumnsPosition’, ‘CircuitSeeds’, ‘MorphTypes’, ‘ElectoTypes’

Neurons Loaded

morphology name (string). The name of the morphology file without the extension
database type (int). useless ?
hyperColumn (int)
miniColumn (int)
layer (int)
morphology type [index into MorphTypes below] (int)
electrophysiology type [index into ElectroTypes below] (int)
neuronCenter[0] (float)
neuronCenter[1] (float)
neuronCenter[2] (float)
neuronRotation[1] (float). The Y axis rotation.
metype (string). The name of the hoc file without extension.

MicroBox Data

Column Size x coordinates (float)
Column Size y coordinates (float)
Column Size z coordinates (float)
Layer 6 percentage in the column (float)
Layer 5 percentage in the column (float)
Layer 4 percentage in the column (float)
Layer 3 percentage in the column (float)
Layer 2 percentage in the column (float)


X coordinates (float)
Y coordinates (float)
Z coordinates (float)


RecipeSeed (float)
ColumnSeed (float)
SynapseSeed (float)


MorphologyName (string)
PYR/INT (float)
EXC/INH (float)


ElectrophysiologyName (float)


  • TouchDetector. Required fields are positions, orientations, morphology

  • Functionalizer. Required fields are positions, orientations, morphology, etype, mtype, synapse_class