Recipe Description

This document should specify all parameters required to generate the connectome of a circuit.

File Format

The recipe is specified in XML, and normally stored in a directory named bioname. Customarily, the recipe is split into two files:

  • builderRecipeAllPathways.xml

  • builderConnectivityRecipeAllPathways.xml

The latter is usually included in the former via the entity &connectivityRecipe and describes the connectivity sampling contained in ConnectionRules.



Part of the connectome building uses statistical sampling, with random numbers seeded by the following optional property:

<Seeds recipeSeed="837632" columnSeed="2906729" synapseSeed="4236279"/>

Where the possible attributes are:

  • recipeSeed, with a default of 0. Not used.

  • columnSeed, with a default of 0. Not used.

  • synapseSeed, with a default of 0. Used to sample reduce and cut survival and synapse properties.


The InterBoutonInterval is used to re-distribute touches in a more physical way. A typical specification:

<InterBoutonInterval minDistance="5.0" maxDistance="7.0" regionGap="5.0"/>

All distances are specified in μm.

Following touch detection, TouchDetector groups touches into regions along a pre-synaptic branch - any two touches closer than regionGap will be grouped into a region. New touches will be created on the pre-synaptic branch, spaced between minDistance and maxDistance apart. TouchDetector will assign the post-synaptic side of the new touches based on the previously detected ones.

Thus the parameters are:

  • minDistance: minimum distance between two synapses

  • maxDistance: maximum distance between two synapses in a touch region

  • regionGap: the minimum distance between two areas designated as touch regions.


The StructuralSpineLengths group is used to determine the initial maximum distance for spines, measured in µm. TouchDetector will use these attributes to enlarge the radius of the cylindrical representation of branches identified as dendrites. Touches will then be generated along the intersecting parts of cylinders from different cells.

To specify the spine length allowed for a morphological type, use the following form:

    <rule mType="L6_CHC" spineLength="2.5"/>


The legacy format contained more information and may require pruning. The following structure is also acceptable:

    <StructuralType id="L6_CHC" spineLength="2.5"/>

Where the value of id identifies the morphology type to be associated with the spine length.


No pattern expansion will be performed for this part of the recipe. One rule per mtype present in the circuit is required.


An optional XML attribute that specifies the minimum distance in μm that a synapse needs to have from the soma. It takes the following form:

<InitialBoutonInterval inhibitorySynapsesDistance="5.0" excitatorySynapsesDistance="25.0" />

The attributes are defined as follows:

  • inhibitorySynapsesDistance the minimum distance for a synapse for post-synaptic inhibitory cells (default value: 5.0 μm)

  • excitatorySynapsesDistance the minimum distance for a synapse for post-synaptic excitatory cells (default value: 5.0 μm)


The TouchRules create a filter to refine the touch space used by TouchDetector. They take the following form:

    <touchRule fromMType="*PC" toMType="*" fromBranchType="*" toBranchType="soma" />
    <touchRule fromMType="*PC" toMType="*" fromBranchType="*" toBranchType="dendrite" />

where * denotes a wildcard to match anything. In this example, touches are allowed between all layers, but only originating from cells with mtype ending in PC. The former rule matches all synapses with a soma on the post-synaptic side, while the latter matches with a dendrite on the post-synaptic side.

Allowed parameters:

  • fromMType the mtype of the pre-synaptic cell

  • toMType the mtype of the post-synaptic cell

  • fromBranchType the classification of the pre-synaptic branch. May be one of the following: - * to match all branches - soma to match the soma - dendrite to match all dendrites - basal for basal dendrites - apical for apical dendrites

  • toBranchType the classification of the post-synaptic branch. May also be referred to as type, for backwards compatibility.


These rules determine the distribution of synapses. They may take the following form:

  <rule fromMType="L1_NGC-DA" toMType="*" bouton_reduction_factor= "0.114" active_fraction= "0.50" cv_syns_connection= "0.25" />
  <rule fromMType="L1_HAC" toMType="L1_DAC" bouton_reduction_factor= "0.13" active_fraction= "0.50" cv_syns_connection= "0.25" />


In older recipes, the rules take the form of:

<mTypeRule from="L1_HAC" to="L1_DAC" />

which will be translated into:

<rule fromMType="L1_HAC" toMType="L1_DAC" />


Every rule can be used to select a subset of connections using attributes with the prefixes:

  • from for the pre-synaptic matching requirement

  • to for the post-synaptic matching requirement

And the following stems:

  • MType to filter by the mtype column of the node file(s)

  • EType to filter by the etype column of the node file(s)

  • SClass to filter by the synaptic classification of the cell (customarily either EXC or INH)

  • Region to filter by the region column of the node file(s)

The order of the rules matters, later rules may override earlier ones if they are at least as specific as the earlier ones. I.e., the number of wildcards matching all of an attribute needs to be less or equal the rule to be overwritten. For example, <rule fromMType="bar" …/> will be superseded by <rule fromMType="b*" …?> as the constraints are similar, but it will not be replaced by <rule fromMType="*" …/>, as that one is broader.

In addition to the selection attributes, exactly one set of constraints have to be used:

  • mean_syns_connection, stdev_syns_connection, and active_fraction

  • bouton_reduction_factor, cv_syns_connection, and active_fraction

  • bouton_reduction_factor, cv_syns_connection, and mean_syns_connection

  • bouton_reduction_factor, cv_syns_connection, and probability

  • bouton_reduction_factor, pMu_A, and p_A

Where the constraints signify:

  • active_fraction, the fraction of synapses to be removed in the third pruning step

  • bouton_reduction_factor, the fraction of synapses to be removed in all three pruning steps

  • cv_syns_connection, the target value for the coefficient of variation of the distribution of synapses per connection distribution of synapses per connections

  • mean_syns_connection, the target value for the mean of the distribution of synapses per connections

  • p_A, the reduction factor

  • pMu_A, used as input to the survival rate

  • probability, the target connection probability. To be deprecated.

  • stdev_syns_connection, the target value for the standard deviation of the distribution of synapses per connection


The list of SynapsesProperties is used to determine which property classification is assigned to synapses. It takes the form:

    <synapse fromSClass="EXC" toSClass="EXC" type="E2" axonalConductionVelocity="0" />
    <synapse fromSClass="INH" toSClass="INH" type="I2" />
    <synapse fromSClass="EXC" toMType="L*_ChC" type="E2_PT" />
    <synapse fromMType="L6_MC" toMType="L6_IPC" toEType="*" type="I1_L6_MC-L6_IPC" />

Each element within the list of SynapsesProperties selects a connection given by source and target cell selection criteria. Multiple selections are possible:

  • fromSClass to select the pre-synaptic cell class

  • toSClass to select the post-synaptic cell class

  • fromMType to select the pre-synaptic mtype type

  • toMType to select the post-synaptic mtype type

  • fromEType to select the pre-synaptic etype type

  • toEType to select the post-synaptic etype type

In case selections overlap, the last specified assignment takes precedence. To assign synapse properties, the classification field needs to be set:

  • type a name that will be referenced by the SynapsesClassification.


    The type has to start with either E for excitatory connections or I for inhibitory connections.

Two optional attributes may be set:

  • neuralTransmitterReleaseDelay with a default of 0.1 ms

  • axonalConductionVelocity with a default of 300 μm/ms

These two attributes may also be present in the SynapsesProperties element, setting default values for all synapse elements:

<SynapsesProperties neuralTransmitterReleaseDelay="10.5" axonalConductionVelocity="123.0">


Once a classification is assigned to connections, properties are assigned to connections by using the SynapsesClassification section:

  <class id="E2"  gsyn="0.792" gsynSD="0.528" nsyn="5.00" nsynSD="2.00" dtc="1.74" dtcSD="0.18" u="0.50" uSD="0.02" d="671" dSD="17" f="017" fSD="5" nrrp="1" />

Here, the id field has to match a type value of the SynapsesProperties. The properties are assigned using the following random number distributions, using a mean m and standard deviation sd:

  • A Gamma-distribution, with shape parameter equal to m² / sd², and scale parameter equal to sd² / m.

  • A truncated Normal-distribution, where values are redrawn until they are both positive and within the range of m±sd.

  • A Poisson-distribution using only m.

The same drawn number is reused for all synapses within the same source to target cell connection.

The following properties are supported, with the mean specified by the property name, and the standard deviation by appending SD to the property name:

  • gsyn, the peak conductance (in nS) for a single synaptic contact, following a Gamma distribution

  • d, time constant (in ms) for recovery from depression, following a Gamma distribution

  • f, time constant (in ms) for recovery from facilitation, following a Gamma distribution

  • u, utilization of synaptic efficacy, following a truncated Normal distribution

  • dtc, decay time constant (in ms), following a truncated Normal distribution

  • nrrp, number of vesicles in readily releasable pool, following a Poisson distribution

Truncated Normal distributions are limited to the central value ±σ and are re-rolled until positive values has been obtained.

Two optional attributes can be specified, where each attribute will have to be given for all SynapsesClassification elements:

  • gsynSRSF, the scale factor for the conductance; SRSF: ‘synaptic receptor scaling factor’

  • uHillCoefficient, a coefficient describing the scaling of u to be done by the simulator:

    \[u_\text{final} = u \cdot y \cdot \frac{ca^4}{u_\text{Hill}^4 + ca^4}\]

    where \(ca\) denotes the simulated calcium concentration in millimolar and \(y\) a scalar such that at \(ca = 2.0:\ u_\text{final} = u\). (Markram et al., 2015)

These attributes will be copied for each synapse corresponding to its classification. If they are not specified, no corresponding columns will be created in the output.


The SynapsesReposition section allows to shift the post-synaptic side of touches, e.g., for chandelier cells from the soma to the first axon section:

    <shift fromMType="L*_CHC" toMType="*" type="AIS"/>
    <shift fromMType="SP_AA" toMType="*" type="AIS"/>

Allowed properties are:

  • fromMType to select the pre-synaptic cell mtype

  • toMType to select the post-synaptic cell mtype

  • type for the kind of shift. Currently only AIS for shifts to the first axon section from the soma is supported.

Consumers and invocation order