BlueConfig Projections and Replay

Adding a Projection to a BlueConfig

Specifying projections in a BlueConfig is done via a “Projection” block.

Frequently one wants to attach a Spike Replay to the projection, so that the spikes originating in another brain region, previously simulated, can be used as input to the current target region being simulated.

Spike replay files are commonly named “input.dat”, after a rename of the “out.dat” file.

Projection NewProjection
    Path /path/projection/file
    Source Name_Of_Projection

Stimulus spikeReplay
    Mode Current
    Delay 0.0
    Duration 2000
    Pattern SynapseReplay
    # this file contains spike times of neurons from Name_Of_Projection, you must
    # generate it on your own, see an example below
    SpikeFile /path/to/spikes_file.dat

StimulusInject spikeReplayIntoUniverse
    Stimulus spikeReplay
    Target Mosaic

Connection scheme_External
    Source Name_Of_Projection
    Destination Mosaic
    SynapseConfigure %s.Use = 0.86

.dat Spike Files

Spike files used with BlueConfigs follow a very simple “.dat” text spec. They have a /scatter header followed by lines of “<time-ms> <cell-id>”.


` /scatter 015.7384     221086 015.8529     222256 015.8538     221131 015.8726     221285 `

SONATA COMPAT NOTE: The <cell-id> is a 1-based NEURON cell Id, which is consistent with legacy MVD formats. In turn, SONATA uses 0-based cell Ids and therefore, in case you use SONATA node sets, you will need to OFFSET EVERY CELL ID BY 1.

Building on the previous example, the first spike would go out at 15.7384ms on cell with SONATA Node Id 221085.

Example Generating a .dat Spikes File

def generate_spike_file(spike_file_path):
    import random
    import numpy as np
    from bluepy.v2 import Circuit
    SIMULATION_TIME = 2000  # 2 seconds, update it for your simulation

    def _gen_single_poisson_process():
        t = 0
        while t < SIMULATION_TIME:
            t += random.expovariate(.5) * 1000
            yield t

    c = Circuit('BlueConfig')
    proj_gids = c.cells.ids('Name_Of_Projection')
    # there are 310 fibers per mc column in the O1.v5
    assert (len(proj_gids) / 7. == 310.)
    gids = np.arange(proj_gids[0] + 2 * 310, proj_gids[0] + 3 * 310)

    with open(spike_file_path, 'w') as f:
        for gid in gids:
            for t in  _gen_single_poisson_process():
                f.write(f'{t} \t{gid}\n')
