SONATA Circuit overview

This section describes the SONATA specification as used within BBP.


The SONATA specification loosely defines a container interface to store nodes and edges of a circuit. A full “definition” can be found in the official specification, while this document will only refer to a subset of the SONATA specification to instruct its use.


The format should be used to disseminate files to the public.

Circuit Config

A standard circuit config at BBP is :

$ cat circuit_config.json
  "manifest": {
    "$BASE_DIR": ".",
    "$COMPONENT_DIR": "./component",
    "$NETWORK_DIR": "$BASE_DIR/network"
  "components": {
    "morphologies_dir": "$COMPONENT_DIR/morphologies",
    "biophysical_neuron_models_dir": "$COMPONENT_DIR/biophysical_neuron_models"
  "node_sets_file": "$BASE_DIR/node_sets.json",
  "networks": {
    "nodes": [
        "nodes_file": "$NETWORK_DIR/neurons.h5",
        "populations": {
          "node_population_a": {
            "type": "biophysical"
        "nodes_file": "$NETWORK_DIR/projections.h5",
        "node_population_b": {
          "type": "virtual"
    "edges": [
        "edges_file": "$NETWORK_DIR/edges.h5",
        "populations": {
            "edges-AB": {}


Within BBP we do not use .csv files as defined in the specification!

Nodes and Edges

Sonata is a graph format created to represent the brain structures and their connections. The standard usage is to represent a neuronal circuit as a graph, with nodes being the brain cells and edges for their connections (touches, synapses, etc).

Formally speaking, Sonata graphs are multipart edge-labeled directed multigraphs. It means:

  • nodes and edges can be separated into different subsets (i.e: populations)

  • multiple edges between two nodes are allowed

  • the edges are oriented (A->B is different than B->A)

Moreover, the format is specialized to compactly represent graphs with a lot of connections between two nodes.


To distinguish between nodes and edges contained or connecting different brain parts, polulations are used as per the SONATA specification. For detailed information see the next section here.


As per the SONATA specification it is possible to define several node groups, but within BBP we restrict to a single group 0. Therefore, the sonata-fields node_group_id and node_group_index are not used (see here for details about the fields).

This decision has been taken to reduce the number of indirection to access the different attributes of the nodes and edges in order to improve the performance.


In the BBP realm we use only .swc files consistent with the SONATA definition.